
Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Failure of the War on Drugs Essay -- Critical Thinking Essays

In the early 1980s, policymakers and equity enforcement officials stepped up efforts to combat the trafficking and use of illicit medicates. This was the commonplace fight on drugs, hailed by conservatives and liberals alike as a content to restore order and hope to communities and families plagued by anti-social or self-destructive pathologies. By reducing illicit drug use, many claimed, the drug war would importantly digest the rate of serious nondrug crimes - robbery, assault, rape, homicide and the like. Has the drug war succeeded in doing so?In Illicit Drugs and Crime, Bruce L. Benson and David W. Rasmussen (Professors of Economics, Florida State University, and Research Fellows, the Independent Institute), reply with a resounding no. Not only has the drug war failed to reduce violent and property crime but, by shifting criminal arbitrator resources (the police, courts, prisons, probation officers, etc.) away from directly fighting such crime, the drug war has confide ci tizens lives and property at greater risk, Benson and Rasmussen contend.Getting tough on drugs necessarily translates into getting soft on nondrug crime, they write. When a decision is made to lock a war on drugs, other things that criminal justice resources force do have to be sacrificed.To support this conclusion, Benson and Rasmussen compare data on drug law enforcement and crime trends between states, and debunk numerous misconceptions roughly drug use and criminality.One of the most prevalent misconceptions, Benson and Rasmussen, contend is the flightiness that a large percentage of drug users commit nondrug crimes, what might be called the drugs-cause-crime assumption implicit in the governments drug-war strategy. If true, then an trenchant crackdown on ... ...easy to obtain rose by about 20 percent.This blow is due in large part, Benson and Rasmussen explain, to drug entrepreneurs adoption of new mathematical product techniques, new products, and new marketing strate gies in response to greater law enforcement. Their innovations include lengthening the drug distribution chain and using younger drug pushers and runners (to reduce the risk of arrest and punishment), increasing domestic drug production (to avoid the risk of seizure at the border), smuggling into the country less marijuana and more cocain (which is harder to detect), development of crack cocaine (a low-cost substitute for higher priced powdered cocaine and for marijuana, which the drug war made harder to obtain), and development of drugs with greater potency (because they are less massive and because punishment is based on a drugs weight, not its potency).

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