
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Cell Phone Use while Driving Essay -- safety control, accidents

For many years Safety Control has determined to ban the drop of cell environs while driving within the community. American society would be much safer if cell tele phone sets were banned while driving. Benefits of cell phone subroutine during wayside emergencies, railroad car trouble, obtain personal cultivation, or even gliding however, it may lead to running red lights, drifting across lanes, or worse, causing accidents.Phones can do so many things, but near importantly they allow you to connect to emergency service. Its mot needed during roadside emergencies much(prenominal) as ambulance, police and firefighters. Studies have shown that the use of cell phones in emergencies situations, such as calling for ambulance, has improved its mortality rates. (Journal of Emergency medication 1) An example of this would be seeing an accident ahead of you and pulling everyplace to call for ambulance service. Also if one sees a confrontation that might live on deadly, a cell phone would definitely help. There ar so many reasons for cell phones being needed while driving such as, you can also contact the firefighter station in elusion of a fire.Having a cell phone would be beneficial in case of a car break down. An example of a car break downs would be running low on gas, engine overheating, transmission system failure or a blow out. All of that sounds terrible, but give thanks to cell phones people can now call for roadside assistance. roadside assistance for example would be calling a tow motortruck o take you to the nearest auto mechanic or a transmission shop or simply needing assistance in changing a tire. In addition to their benefits to using a cell phone on the road, Matt Sundeen reports that drivers with cell phones place an estimated 98,000 emergency calls each twenty-four hours and that the cell phone ... ... pass a law that bans this practice. Regardless of whether the phone is hand-held or hands-free, there is a lot of strong information and evidence that the actual task of conversing on a cell phone distracts drivers on concentrating on safety. For examples, drifting into another lane, and running red lights are reasons why the government needs to pass a law. People caught texting or using a cell phone while driving should bear their licenses for one year.Works CitedAustin, Michael. Texting While Driving How Dangerous Is It? Car and Driver. June 2009Magazine. Richtel, Matt. Drivers and Legislators melt Cell phone Risks. 18 July 2009. Web. 10 January2014.Snyder, Edgar. Texting and Cell Phone substance abuse Statistics. 2012. Web. 22 January 2014Wilms, Todd. Its Time For Parental Control, No Texting While Driving Phone. 18 September2012. Web. 14 January 2014.

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